To chat or not to chat? Why having that Call before a First Date is a Must Do

To chat or not to chat? Why having that Call before a First Date is a Must Do

There are 2 schools of thought on whether to talk on the phone before meeting for a date.  The cardinal rule in the past was always to talk on the phone first. However, fast forward 18 years, the majority of us have become accustomed to texting.  So…what to do? The idea of chatting prior to […]

7 Ways Hiring a Dating Coach can Help Improve your Dating Strategy

7 Ways Hiring a Dating Coach can Help Improve your Dating Strategy

We have experts in all areas of our life-finances, personal trainers, interior designers, and Real Estate. Yet we often forget or feel nervous asking for help when it comes to dating or matters of the heart. Shannon Tebb, is a Dating Expert for the past 12 years and has helped many singles overcome their dating […]

7 signs that someone is into you

7 signs that someone is into you

They flirt with you in a good way. Non-verbal and verbal flirting can go along way especially if it’s done in a fun playful manner. A simple touch, like touching someone’s arm when they say something funny, or brushing off that crumb from her cheek, can show that you have interest in wanting to get […]

Advice for Singles Dating During the Coronavirus

Advice for Singles Dating During the Coronavirus

During COVID-19, connecting digitally with friends/family over Zoom, and FaceTime has made all the difference. It’s connected us all on a deeper level and has even become the new norm for dating. Matchmaking has now transitioned to matching clients virtually. Since this pandemic, many of us are left wondering – Are we really supposed to …

Relationships-A Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime

Relationships-A Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime

I’ve been thinking a lot about friendships/relationships, that have came into my life and exited over this past year. Sometimes they come to an end as the natural circle of life. We are in constant change, evolving and growing and we say goodbye to friendships/relationships that no longer serve us.  The holidays can be a […]

Top 10 patios in Toronto for Date Night

Top 10 patios in Toronto for Date Night

We all know how important it is to make a great first impression on a date and keep the dates coming! You always want to pick a date location that is unique and fun. A question I get asked a lot is “Where should I take my date?” Here are some of my top patio […]