7 ways to increase your feminine energy

7 ways to increase your feminine energy

As a dating and life-skills coach, I get asked a lot by women how they can tap more into their feminine energy. It’s no secret that a lot of times during the day while at work, we are in our masculine energy. While we do need a healthy balance of both, when dating you want to embrace your feminine.

Here are 7 ways that can help you tap more into your feminine energy:

  1. Have a creative outlet: engage in creative activities such as painting, dancing, writing or any form of artistic expression. Creativity is a core aspect of feminine energy.
  2. Ask yourself how can I soften more? Try softening your voice when you speak. Acting gentle, free, and joyful. Slow down and be present, and take time to move slowly throughout your day.
  3. Get yourself organized. When you are organized in your life you create an environment that supports calmness, creativity and balance. For example tidying the house, meal planning, putting your to do list in your calendar, and noting your self-care routine. This is a great habit to practice on Sunday’s to get you ready for the week ahead.
  4. Moving in an intuitive way. Adding movement to your daily routine that makes you feel free. For example doing yoga, estatic dance, and daily stretching.
  5. Feel your feelings: Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions freely. This might involve talking with a friend, journalling, or engaging in activities that help you process your feelings.
  6. Spend more time outside in nature: Whether it’s a walk in the park, gardening, or simply sitting by the water. Nature has a grounding effect that can help you be more in tune with your inner self. One thing I love to practice is grounding which is walking barefoot outdoors and getting rejuvenated through mother nature.
  7. Make time to play: Tap into that childhood curiosity. Have fun, be playful, and don’t take life so serious. Think of the things that bring you joy and go out and do them. Making time to play can provide stress relief,  social connection, and emotional well-being.