The Blind Date

The Blind Date

Finally, after your friend has made countless attempts at trying to get you booked to go on a blind date with "that handsome, funny guy who is perfect for you" you cave in and mark your calendar. Here are 13 lucky blind date tips that might work in your favor. …
Dead Starfish

Dead Starfish

When I’m hanging out with my close guy friends my favorite thing to do is pick their brains about women and dating. I call it the “hands on” research. My male friend recently shared with me an interesting dating experience he had with a woman that he referred to as “the deal breaker”. If you […]

Wake up Call

Wake up Call

I must share with you one of my male friend’s dating experiences. Apparently this 31 year old beautiful blond who was a teacher, seemed to be the perfect package for my single friend. Even though it was their first date, he had decided to take her to dinner at a restaurant by the water. It […]

When your MAN falls HARD

When your MAN falls HARD

As women, hearing the words “I love you” from the man you’ve been in a relationship with, never seems to get old. If he hasn’t actually said the words, here are 10 indicators that may prove that love is just around the corner. …
Wrinkle Free

Wrinkle Free

Many older women reach an age where they find that men their own age are just too old and boring, so they look to younger men who are generally more open to try new things and have a zest for life. …
Dating DOs and DONTs

Dating DOs and DONTs

What you say, how you say it , and what you do (or don't do!) on a date can either lead to something more, or could have your date running for the hills. If you're having trouble getting a second date, you might be committed some of the deadliest dating sins. Here are a few pointers of DO's and DONT's on a first date. …
Dating Etiquette

Dating Etiquette

Choose your topics wisely. You may have incredible chemistry with someone, but never realize it if you steer the conversation into a dead end. Here are some topics you should definitely avoid on the first date, the second, and even the third. …
7 Tips to Become Date Ready

7 Tips to Become Date Ready

Finding a date is one thing - being ready for it is another. In order to connect with your him/her, you'll need to be date ready. Here are my seven helpful tips to get you there.A must-read for men and women. …