1.) Women always date their type.
Women are attracted to all different types of guys. If they were to line up their ex-boyfriends there is a good chance that they’re all very unique. So gentlemen, if you see a woman you want to approach and feel that you might not be her “type” get rid of that view and go for it!
I think it’s the mystery about a guy that we find intriguing. When we first meet someone, we are attracted to ones confidence and charisma. If you feel like your confidence is something you can improve on, you can book a dating coaching session with one of our dating experts.
2). Women want men to agree with them.
This is not the case at all. Alright, maybe we want you to agree with simple things, like what we are making for dinner that night but we don’t want to date someone who says “yes” to everything. We want to have healthy debates with our partners and learn about your perspectives on life. Connecting on an emotional and mental level is just as important as ripping each other’s clothes off and having great chemistry. We want to learn from you, so don’t be afraid to SHARE your beliefs, values and goals with us.
3). Women want a commitment.
Of course we want a commitment, but we don’t want it tomorrow. We want to work for it as well and get to really know you. Some men believe that women have this timeline to get the guy, have a family and get married. Well, it no longer works that way. We are seeing more and more happy couples that are going at their own pace. Some couples living as common law and some even living in separate households. I think it’s important to have a conversation about relationship goals when you have established a strong connection. Let the dating process be enjoyable rather then racing to the finish line. And gentlemen, don’t be afraid to put the breaks on a little if you feel more pressured rather then motivated to pursue the relationship.
Happy Dating!